Some might say that i was stealing,
but in fact i think i was performing an at of citizenship!
okay it was maybe stealing a little bit but,
there is a cottage at the end of the street
which is abandoned and there is a huge lilac bush
which spills over onto the street and does mean you have to step onto the road to get past,
now i "liberated" loads of the flowers,
but whose to say that i was not clearing an
obstruction from a public foot path and doing the public a service. ; P
Still the whole house smells lovely.
These are two of my latest purchases from etsy
and i did not "liberate" these : D
The first, is two bars of delicious soap, from oliveandoats
she also included a free organic lotion bar, how kind,
and the second is a key fob,
cos i am guilty of leaving them lying anywhere so hopefully... ?
anyway this lovely wee package came from jimmypickles.
This is my swim it forward, swimmy,
the idea is very simple if every etsian made and forwarded an
orange fish in theory every etsian in the world
would have one one their desk!
(and who does not want that i ask you!)
So i am going to send mine off tomorrow to FeltLikeStitchin ,
and will in turn receive one from Benconservato.
I'm sure it will be wonderful and i'll let you know when it arrives.
If you want to join in just follow the link to the ongoing forum post.