My friend and i were rummaging in TKMaxx the other day before going back to pick up her little one from play group. Just as i got to the till i spotted a teapot reduced down to £2, i picked up the box and it showed a white teapot with london iconography on it, you know red double decker bus, Union Jack etc. What a bargain thought i and added it to my haul of other goodies including, a yellow flute glass - £1 and a white blouse - £7. Then i get home and take it out of the box. It might just be the UGLIEST teapot in the world !!!! It is in fact a Henry VIII th teapot, you know the kind that looks like a toby jug. I laughed and laughed, my sister asked why i did not open the box and have a look while in the shop, which clearly i should have, but in my defence, i assumed the pictures on the box represented the product inside, no? The moral of the story is, stop being such a cheapskate!!!!
But i did get a copy of Nina Simone's Greatest Hits for £3.99 at Borders Books so am off to sing along with her : ) (You might want to run for the hills)