
Monday, 5 May 2008

Out for a walk at the weekend and what did i see, theses lovely wee ducklings! I thought it was a little late in the year but i'm sure the mummy duck knew far better than i! They were so little and fluffy looking and they were making that tiny wee peeping noise, which would melt the coldest of hearts, not that mine is cold you understand : ) The on the edge of a car park we also spotted this majestic swan, fast asleep or so i thought but i'm sure she was keeping an eye on us. The cherry blossom is in full bloom here in Scotland and to be outside is such a joy  : )


  1. I thought the first photo was a painting...slightly impressionistic

  2. Oooooooh, those duckings! They are so sweet. I hope no one eats them. Please tell me they won't be eaten...?

  3. super cute ducklings! I narrowly avoided running over a duck family the other day, but they weren't quite this small and cute. Nor were they in a hurry to cross the road!

  4. Awwww these are great. My fave is the top photo! The sweet little ducklings look just so cute & fuzzy. & it is a really interesting looking image like High Desert Diva mentioned. A unique & arty looking shot.

  5. We have a swan couple that live in the pond behind our house....very beautiful and yet i'm scared of them too!!! Adorable pictures!

  6. duuuckkkklliiiiiings!!!

    they make my heart melt.
