
Friday, 9 May 2008

It is so lovely and warm here in Scotland that i need a sun hat  when out and about for any length of time.So i pulled out last years hat only to find it was a little tired looking so what better excuse to buy a new hat on etsy! After much deliberation i decided on this one from the wondrful sidneysidney. (as well as great hats she also does the most lovely freehand machine embriodery designs) It's made from original aged silk and i loved the little red trim at the edge of the rim. Can't wait for it to arrive, (i bet it rains all week  he he).


  1. I love the print on that, sort of a leopard/zebra hybrid!

  2. I love when I purchase something from Etsy and then forget about it for the following week or so, only to arrive home one day and find a parcel waiting for me. It's kind of exciting....but then, I'm a dork.

  3. he he if you are a dork for getting all excited about parcels, Jodie, i think your in very good company! : )

  4. thats a nice print...i like the colors and the style - good find!

  5. Super pretty! I hope you model it on this blog once you receive it.

    I'm a big hat lover. I bought one from blogger Au Coeur d'Artycho and featured it on my blog today.

  6. That's such a cute hat!

    & hey if it rains all week you'll then have the perfect excuse to but a cute brollie. A cute brollie to match your cute hat!
