
Friday, 1 October 2010

Fingerprint Friday.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that a strange alien pod had landed but in fact it is just a conker, the seed of the Horse Chestnut tree. 
It's that time of year again when children collect theses pods, peel back the fleshy outer coat to reveal the hard nut inside. They then drill holes in them, attach string and play "conkers"They take turns hitting each other's conker using their own. One player lets the conker dangle on the full length of the string while the other player swings their conker and hits until it breaks
It's a sure sign that autumn is here, (that and all the rain).

To view all of the fingerprint friday's or to join in yourself please visit Beki's blog.


  1. I have never seen anything like that. We clearly don't have those here in the US's Midwest. Sounds like a fun game, though!

  2. I haven't seen anything like that before. The game sounds like fun!

  3. We use to enjoy getting the nuts..but never heard of your game..I did have quite the laugh over it..Happy Fingerprint Friday..

  4. It does look a bit like an alien pod! We don't have those here in the southern U.S...well, at least not in Georgia. The game sounds fun! I looked up the tree and they are quite beautiful! The nut looks a lot like what we call buckeyes but they are apparently not of the same family. God certainly makes all kinds of strange and wonderful things! Blessings, Vicki ♥

  5. i was there for autumn! conkers & all!
    and spent my birthday there for it too! which is actually just nxt week :)
    i'll be posting pix of my special sugar crafted scottish birthday gift cake on tues :)
    so pleased to have met you & liking your posts!
    great posters in previous post~
