
Friday, 21 May 2010

Fingerprint Friday

Often, when the weather is warm, as i drive along the side of the estuary there are seals basking on the sand banks and since i have missed a couple of Fp fridays i thought that would be a really lovely shot. 
So i parked carefully, (i have been known to bail out  just to try and get a good shot) and ran down to the waterfront, crossing four lanes of traffic, only to find they had gone! 
Never mind i will keep an eye out for these elusive wee things and who knows another week i might capture them.

To view all of the fingerprint entries or to join in yourself please visit beki's blog



  1. What a beautiful place! No wonder the seals like it there.

  2. Well, your photograph is a beautiful fingerprint even without the seals!

  3. Had to go to our grandchildren First Communion and missed writing to everyone..Beautiful picture and Fingerprint..would love to see the seals..Have a great weekend..
