
Monday, 31 May 2010

i saw the seals again today, did not have my camera with me!!! Here are a few etsy seal to keep you occupied till i catch them.

Friday, 28 May 2010

fingerprint Friday

I think that thunderstorms are something you either love or hate but me, I'm a lover of them. I never fail to be thrilled by the awe and majesty of nature. We have had a wee spate of them here and the sky at dusk, just as the storm was clearing, made me wanna grab my camera.

To view all of the fingerprint entries or to join in yourself please 

visit beki's blog

Friday, 21 May 2010

Fingerprint Friday

Often, when the weather is warm, as i drive along the side of the estuary there are seals basking on the sand banks and since i have missed a couple of Fp fridays i thought that would be a really lovely shot. 
So i parked carefully, (i have been known to bail out  just to try and get a good shot) and ran down to the waterfront, crossing four lanes of traffic, only to find they had gone! 
Never mind i will keep an eye out for these elusive wee things and who knows another week i might capture them.

To view all of the fingerprint entries or to join in yourself please visit beki's blog


Thursday, 20 May 2010


Not one, but two treasuries!
Oh yeh there is no stopping this girl, next week i'm getting the stabilizer taken off my bike!
