
Friday, 10 July 2009

Fingerprint Friday

I stole an afternoon this week and spent it in the garden reading and basking in the warm sun, plenty of sun block i hasten to add. The sound of bees buzzing and the gentle breeze  were glorious but the  colours all around me were perfect.
(The novel i was reading was The Book Theif by Marcus Zusak, I heartly recommend it!)

To view all of the fingerprint entries or to join in yourself please visit  Pampering beki


  1. What a gorgeous garden you have! Blessings to you this Fingerprint Friday ~*~

  2. The colors are so amazing in your garden! Looks like a perfect place to get lost in a book, surrounded by God's beauty! (I'm looking for my next book to read, I'll have to look this one up!)

  3. Good for you!! Moments like that are so important to our sanity. And that still time is definitely a gift from God.
