
Friday, 3 July 2009

Fingerprint Friday

I do so love watching the trees outside my house as they change throughout the year, they are a real indicator of the seasons. Although they are beautiful at all times right now they are in their full glory and every time i look at them i am reminded of something William McDonaugh said in regards to design. He likened, that which we, (humans) should be striving for when we design,  to that which nature achieves effortlessly.  
He points out that nature can  create a system,  that makes oxygen, sequesters carbon, fixes nitrogen, distills water, provides habitat for thousands of species, accrues solar energy as fuel, builds soil, creates microclimates, changes with the seasons, and is beautiful.  For me, only His fingerprint can explain this.

To view all of the fingerprint entries or to join in yourself please visit  Pampering Beki


  1. I agree with you..What a beautiful fingerprint. Isn't it amazing, everything has its place on earth for us, a gift from God.
    Happy Fingerprint Friday.

  2. What a beautiful photo of that wonderful, majestic tree! Definitely agree...there is a grand design...each little piece fitting together so beautifully! Have a blessed day!

  3. What a gorgeous, amazing fingerprint! There's nothing like a cool shade tree on a hot summer's day.

  4. Just lovely littlebird. Can never get enough of that treey goodness. You make a good point, nature certainly is an awesome force.

    Wonderful news about the Selvedge image, congratulations, you should be very proud. I look forward to checking out the website.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  5. Trees are truly an amazing Fingerprint. Your photo is beautiful! :)

  6. What a beautiful picture! Trees are such a gift to us.
