
Friday, 27 February 2009

Oh dear it is Fingerprint Friday again and i am a wee bit late in blogging today. It is 4.15pm here in the UK and i seem to have spent the day chasing my tale so it seems appropriate that i should pause to look at God's fingerprints all around me. This week i thought i would share with you all the wee signs of Spring that are popping up all over the place here in Scotland.
(Be sure to visit Pampering Becki's blog to view all Fingerprint  Friday participants)


  1. Just your taking time to join, is a wonderful Fingerprint from God..
    Beautiful pictures and I can't wait to see a flower..even though I am a lousy gardener..Woe, is me!

  2. They are such beautiful fingerprints! Happy Spring!

  3. groan and double groan, absolutely no signs of spring here. I am living vicariously through you.

  4. oh, nice! especially those purple flowers!

  5. I am absolutely aching for spring. Thank YOU for sharing!

  6. I'm glad you took some time to slow down and share your photos. I think we're all very ready for some Spring!
