
Thursday, 16 October 2008

This week seems to be turning into a Yellow/Orange kind of week. Whether it's home-made apple jelly, a roll of embroidery thread i found in a charity shop, perfect for  finishing a project i'm working on of a lovely, yummy cake brought round by a freind to accompany our gossip session! 

What about you what colour of week are you having?


  1. that apple jelly looks sooo yummy...i love fall treats.
    what is fall like there?
    I am having a orange week as well, mostly because the trees outside my house are dancing in orange/red leaves

  2. A yellow/orange kind of week sounds nice to me. There haven't been any stand-out colours in my week. Maybe next week :)

  3. Apple jelly sounds wonderful - also a great season for quince jelly, no?

  4. mmmm apple jelly sounds so good! I'm having an kind of orange and green week:)
    I've tagged you for 7 random facts if you want to join in!
