
Tuesday, 23 September 2008

On Sunday morning my nine year old niece and i went scrumping!!
Okay that is not strickely true, in fact we had permission from the local cottage hospital to pick any apples we wanted, but there is something, kind of,  "Huckleberry Finn" about scrumping.
We picked a basketful and took them home to make apple pie. 
Clearly there is no picture of the pie but it did not last long enough, we all tucked into it with delight!!! There are still plenty of apples left so jam and chutney to follow.

These are a pair of felted slippers that i am experimenting with making for Christmas pressies,(not this pair). They are not yet finished since they have no soles nor any pretty decorations but, my niece assures me they are cooo-el. Which i am sure you'll understand is praise indeed!


  1. Those slippers look fantastic!! and I love scrumping - we did it when we were in France and Alex made a lovely pie too.

    I'm absolutely killing myself laughing at the comment about the spider print......I can NEVER have too many of your prints so print away.....PlllEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEaaaaaaaaaaAAAAaaSsssssssssSSSSeeee...........Join in the spider lurve :) x

  2. My hubby and I just made a pie too! yummy!! I really like your work and your cool new hair. Gotten used to it yet?

  3. Now this looked like fun..Then to make a pie..Gosh, it had to be a great time and when there is no pie left, had to be a great pie too..
    Slippers look great..

  4. aw--- awesome :) i want a daughter... so we can have good times like this.

  5. I want to go scrumping just so I can say scrumping!! And I love the color of those slippers :)

  6. humm yum! Apple pie....
    The slippers look super comfy!

  7. Apples, apples! Juicy and pretty. Yum.

    You're lucky to have a niece...

  8. Yay, apple picking!

    Such a wholesome way to mark the changing seasons. We went a picking lately too and have lots and lots of apples, maybe you could post about your next jam and chutney project... With recipes!
