
Thursday, 7 August 2008

If you ever find yourself in Scotland during the first week of August then I recommend a trip to to the tiny village of Pittenweem on the Fife coast.
Each year they host a most wonderful, week long, Arts Festival, including drama, workshops, music, films, children's events, fireworks and more!
However the highlight of the festival is the 100+ artist exhibiting throughout the village, from galleries to studio, gardens, garages, private residences to public halls and schools. You find yourself wandering in and out of peoples homes and gardens, through little narrow, cobbled streets down to the harbour and back through this picturesque village.
(Some of you might have guessed it is one of the inspriational villages used in my own work.)

As you can imagine there is a host of different styles, mediums and abilities exhibit here. 
So from professional to amateur you don't know what is going to be around the next corner!
Jewellers, painters, sculptures, glass artists, printmakers, textile artists et al can be found here.
This is just a small selection,

and you never know, i might see you there next year!

(Remember to leave a comment on the post BELOW for a chance to win a   
hand- pulled Linoprint!)


  1. Wow, looks amazing. I wish we had artist festivals here...we don't. However, I did go to an excellent place tonight called Art Central. Fairly new in Calgary and is a building full of artist studios and little galleries. It was amazing. I went to a photo show.

  2. If I ever find myself in Scotland...

    I wish!

  3. sounds great raining sheep, i like it when a gallery has lots of smaller spaces inside and can cater to lots of different styles.

    You never know high desert diva! : )

  4. Oh wow looks amazing, I would love to travle

  5. Good photos. I was in the west coast in 2001. One of my brothers-in-law used to live there (near Oban) and we stayed with him and his girlfriend. The landscape was breath-taking and the people (the few people, I hasten to add) were quite friendly too. I remember feeling nauseous the first couple of days because of the sudden intake of pure mountain air after leaving London behind.

    Greetings from the capital.
