
Saturday, 19 April 2008

Here are my latest charity shop finds:  a lovely wee selection of buttons, 4 linen napkins (unused),a boxed candle set,two tiny wee cups/bowls/vessels, a set of fondue forks with pretty multi coloured ends, a most fantastic "wizard of oz" pop-up  book, in perfect condition  (only £1.50 !!!) and finally two hand thrown earthen ware tea/coffee pots. i am so thrilled with my bargains, I think "my charity shop finds"  might become a regular feature, here on my blog   : )
Now i know i'm not the only one out there who loves to rummage amongst the things other people give away, feel free to post a link.

1 comment:

  1. nice fondue forks! I love to rummage too. Although I'm trying to cut down and stick to my fabric diet - the stash is getting out of control!
