
Thursday, 30 April 2009

Another two pieces added this week to my collection of "stuff".  The first, a gift from a husband and wife team who made this lovely cup and saucer for me. The  pattern is supposed to look like knitting, since sometimes we spend an evening together in our unofficial knitting group, "The yarn farm".
 And the second, i found in a charity shop in Aberdeen. I loved the colours. I think i'll use it in my bedroom to throw any jewellery i take off at the end of the day and cannot be bothered putting away!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Hurray it is time for  Shopping List Saturday again!

First up are these cute wee bobby pins/kirby grips with bumble bees from tilleyjewels,
 a snip at only $4.50 !
If you don't snap them up then i think i might!
Secondly i found this gorgeous 1970 porcelain casserole dish from SurrenderDorothy,
(i really want it)

and lastly this set of wooden stars from WeeWoodNaturalToys, seemed like the ideal way to help a little one learn to count and recognize colours.
To view all the participants of shopping list Saturday, or to join in yourself please visit Charlotte's blog @ Fancy picnic

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

I thought i might share with you these two little books ( there is a third in the series), written by the designer Kate Spade. They are a gift for a friend, and i was drawn to them initially because of the wonderful illustrations by Virginia Johnson but the subject matter is also delightful and i could not help but smile when i glanced through them!
The first is entitled  "style" and as well as lots of advice on which colours go together there are lists of stylish films and books, colour associations and fabulous quotes. The second, "Manners" is  charming and i know my friend and i will giggle over the advice it administers. On the very first page there is advice for oyster eating, not something i need worry about, unless you think there is still a chance that Mr Big will turn up and sweep me away to dinner in New York, a la Sex in the City?  
... ah well a girl can dream!

Oh and  P. S. you can buy a Kate Spade barbie doll complete with wee dog!

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

I spent quite a lot of time last week with my niece, we had a great time. We made cookies, 
read some of  C. S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, poured over an atlas, (one of her favourite past times), painted toenails  and watched "Penelope", 
Penelope which is a lovely fairytail type story in which the heroine rescues herself, so no relying on knights in shining armour! Yay for feminism. (is 10 to young for her first Germaine Greer Book?.. he he )
 Kirsty will turn 10 on Thursday so there was much talk of parties, presents and sleep-overs!
I am fortunate to know the very talented Philippa of Felt at Home who is ingenious enough to have made me a tiny wee Kirsty, Highland dancing.
I know she'll be delighted with it, and although most everything she owns right now has a High School Musical or a Hannah Montana logo on it, It's nice to think this is one gift which will stand the test of time
: ) 
(ty Px )

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

I was in a sweetie shop  the other day and i just could not resist these wee ducklings, for giving as Easter gifts. I suppose that since they are yellow chocolate they are full of e numbers but they are quite small and children should eat as much chocolate as possible on Ester Sunday, should they not?       : )
While talking these photos i found myself singing;
"Three little duck went swimming one day over the hills and far away, mummy duck said quack, quack, quack, quack, but only two little ducks came back"
and no, i did not eat one!

Saturday, 4 April 2009

ShoPping List  SAturday ::
This week some wonderful pieces that i stumbled upon through the week,
First up is a beautiful sculpture called Surprise Party (cat) by alfalfalovesme
The sense of humour and wit in this piece really tickled me. Be sure to have a look at the shop there are racoons, rabbits and crows also, to name but a few,

This delightful piece by lulubugjewelery is crafted in silver and concrete, yes that's right concrete! i love the idea of mixing two such unlikely materials but i know you'll agree the outcome is fabulous.

This t-shirt by bongotees just makes me wanna touch it!!!
It looks so tactile and i like the colour,  the simple truth is i want it!

To view all of the  Shopping Lists this Saturday, or to participate your self please visit  Fancy Picnic.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Finger Print Friday

This might seem like a strange choice of image for todays post, but for me, God's  finger print is evident in this example of graffiti scrawled on a wall in London in anticipation of the world wide media attention the city would experience this week as it hosted the G20 Summit.
I am  fortunate enough to live in a country where freedom of speech is a basic human right. There were countless protests in the streets, most of them peaceful, some not so. But the tolerance shown to all the differing factions is, for me, living proof of  God's hand, working through us.

 The  G20 group is made up of financial ministers and central bank governors and leaders from the 20 largest economies of the world.
President Obama hailed the summit as  " historic turning point in the pursuit of world economic recovey".
Prime Minister Brown stated that " problems required global solutions".
So today my Finger Print Friday is also a prayer that the finger print of God is felt on the hearts of all these world leaders and that through them all  peoples of the world benefit from financial recovery not just those of us fortunate enough to live in wealthy countries.
(Images courtesy of

To view a complete list of participants in Finger Print Friday please visit

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Do feel free to stop by my current treasury, it is full of the most wonderful Shoes!