
Monday, 30 June 2008

This very beautiful selection of work is a small sample of the art created by Strawberry in her wonderful etsy shop,  rivermoonblossom. In her profile she states;
"I am a ceramic and jewelry artist living in upstate NY. I am also a travelling gypsy. I am inspired by the many beautiful places I have lived, including New Mexico, The California Coast, the Pacific North West, Key West, the Adirondacks, Mexico, and the Caribbean . Strawberry Angela Curls AKA Fancy Feet the Wind Dancer, throws beautiful colors up into the air, making sure the wind is the perfect speed and from the ideal direction. She then waves a square of earth that has previously interacted with fire to catch the liquified colors. Thus she cooperates with the four elements to create ceramics of exquisite beauty and inspiring content. I love bright colors in my home, on my body and in my art work. I hope you enjoy looking at my artwork as much as I enjoy making it.
I am inspired by bright colors, mexican art, day of the dead, guadalupe, goddess myths, tattoos, rockabilly, art nouveau, nature spirits, flowers, sun and shadow, the moon."

I love the colours that Stawberry uses and the somewhat, folk art feel to her work. She contacted me regarding a trade and we ended up trading for two pieces, one of which i look forward to giving a my friend as a gift. 
Feel free to check out her shop and her two  blogs,  both are equally fantastic.   ( thank you Strawberry for the interview and promotion on the creativevoices blog  : ) 

Friday, 27 June 2008

This is a really fun game i discovered on The Shetland Trader's blog
 The rules are as follows:
  • Type the answers to the following questions into Flickr search. 
  • Using only the first page, pick one image.
  • Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fds mosaic maker.

what is your first name?   Jennifer
what is your favourite food?   cakes
where did you go to high school?   Kirriemuir
what is your favourite colour?  Prussian blue
who is your celebrity crush?  Philip Glenister
Favourite drink? Red wine
dream destination?   West coast Scotland
favourite dessert?   Tablet
what you want to be when you grow up?  happy
what do you love most in life?  stories
one word to describe you?  impatient
your Flickr name? a little bird

Some of the images are quite directly related to the questions but some are not at all.
have a go, it's fun
and please send me  the link so i can view your mosaics : )

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

I find myself in not one, not two, not even three but 4 treasuries this morning. What Joy : )

etsy party by the inventive juliepeach

creative Scots by the charming thebayattic

and finally let them eat cake by  VoodooQueen

Monday, 23 June 2008

I've been playing around with shrinkable plastic for a wee while now, (well it's something to do!). Anyway this is what i have come up with, a series of little brooches featuring the charactors and objects from my prints, little wearable pieces of art. They have sold quite well in a local gift shop and i thought i would try them in my etsy store.  Here goes : )

Thursday, 19 June 2008

This morning i was fortunate enough to have attained tickets to hear Vivienne Westwood talk about her manifesto. She was eccentric and beautiful and peculair and colourful and a wee bit bonkers : D
It was lovely and i was in the front row so had a fantastic view of her, (i was only about 5 feet away) here are some of my drawings of her, hopefully they will give you a taste of the experience.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

my treasury made the front page!
I missed it of course but still YAY

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

It has been warm and sunny here but also wet and rainy,  not at the same time i hasten to add, but perfect weather for growing gardens : )
My new treasury is, as usual in need of some lOvE  : (

Monday, 16 June 2008

Last week i was fortunate enough to complete a trade between myself and feltathome . In exchange for two prints Phillipa and Alex made me a people purse, modeled on my sister, and here she is,
I sent them an image of my sis and then choose what type of outfit she would wear. The attention to detail is amazing, just look at the wee buttons on her shoes : )
Along with the purse came a second wee parcel also full of goodies!

If you can spare the time have a look at Feltathomes shop, it is full of wonderful creations made with love and care, the girls are very sweet and friendly too!
Here is just a small selection of their work.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Just wanted to share this photo i took while  (very) bleary eyed this morning at 4am. I was awoken by the dawn chorus, thats what you get for leaving your window wide open : ), and the dawn looked so beautiful i grabbed my camera, pressed a button, hoped for the best and then went right back to sleep!

Monday, 9 June 2008

i had such a lovely day yesterday, read in the garden for a while, all the colours were so pretty,

Later in the early evening i went to the park and fed a family of swans. 

And i sold two prints ( yipee)
so i felt obliged to spread the love, and i bought two prints too!
The first is from the wonderful mmcullen
the second from the fabulous Hughillustration 
How was your weekend?

Saturday, 7 June 2008

The treasury opened up on Friday night and was very quickly was jam packed full of wonderful lists. I was lucky enough to grab one,  "summer in Scotland". In it you will find many talented etsians, they are all great but some of my very favouites included "Hamish" by mogwaii, there are chickens and lovely egg cosies in the shop too but i loved these
oh and here is Hamish, looking a little dazed and confused : )

HeidiMoon makes the most wonderful bird pendants in a selection of patterns and colours.

I very much liked thebayattic's simple, stylized poster series of Scottish landmarks, they are somewhat reminsant of  British 30's and 40's rail posters.
And finally just a couple of photogrphs, the first by starrybluesky and the second by liamparkinson

If you have time, have a look at the other sellers in the treasury they are all great : )

Thursday, 5 June 2008

These are some more of the other lovely gifts i received on my birthday. I'm sure you'll agree the sock monkeys are wonderful!! The wee jam/marmalade(?) set is gorgeous and a fab charity shop find on behalf of my friend. But i think the most wonderful gift of all was the 3 charactors you see in the first photo. They too came from the charity shop but have been handmade with love and care. I suppose someone  out grew them and so they find their way to me : ) There is a chef, a soldier and a little red riding hood type figure which is a rather odd combination and leads me to wonder if there were more of them at one time? I love them.